
- Stealing Food, Belongings, Cash
- Sleeping
- Obsessing over anything
- Staring at the sky
- Complaining about the most random things
- Judging people's clothing
- Finding a way to get cash that isn't illegal
- Her bangs
- Food
- Being alone
- Art
- Nature
- Meat
- Rich People
- Her own clothing
- People victimizing themselves/Being devalued
- People mocking her bangs
- Talking to people in general
- Maths
- Anything chemical
April 7th

Spoiler Warning

The following content reveals details that you'll only know if you played the game. If you don't want to get spoiled and plan on playing the game, please download the game here.

Description and Background

Anemone is a poor Harpy living off of stealing other people's belongings, including food. She usually goes in crowded places to steal, mostly when the majority of people are busy partying and buying anything so she can go to empty homes. Otherwise, when she's not stealing, she tends to either sleep for the majority of the day or look at nature to take the pain off her mind.

She used to be the daughter of the Harpy Community Leader. However, the latter one turned out to be a strict and bordeline abusive mother: Commanding her daughter to remember every value and point of view she had of this community, flaunting it and forcing her daughter to uphold responsibilities on top of the pain from the acid that she had to deal with.
Realizing throughout the years how much her mother saw her community more as a daughter than her, she secretly flew away. However, by doing that, she also volunteered leaving behind her past hobbies, preferences and the few friends that she has made in the community.
Though, all of her tastes were made around the community that her toxic mother praised so much, so perhaps, she is justified in leaving them behind.

Callidora Mallory

Home Decorator
Hobbies- Collecting keychains, plushies, cards
- Watching Romantic and Drama TV Shows
- Decorating Books
- Shopping for cute and cheap clothes
- Reading Fanfictions
- Anything related to decorating
- Musical Artists
- Listening to calm, sweet and cute songs
- Victorian, Cute Pastel dresses
- Staying at Home/Living a comfortable life
- Staying Single
- Cooking
- The Color Pink and Purple
- When people aren't open-minded
- Being treated more like a trophy than a person
- Going out for Food
- Assume that she's rich/Insult her fashion choices
- Industrial Products
- Depressed People
November 20th

Spoiler Warning

The following content reveals details that you'll only know if you played the game. If you don't want to get spoiled and plan on playing the game, please download the game here.

Description and Background

Throughout her entire childhood, she was lucky enough to have her parents even be alive. They guided her, providing her with the basics of living as a vampire in this world: blending in and getting acquainted with humans in order to eat them, meeting the least amount of Gatelings as possible and most importantly avoid getting attached to them. Unfortunately, by learning more about humans in order to blend in with them, Callidora became attached to their customs, particularly artists. However, she hid her fascination from her parents and actually began to respect humans, seeing them as "people" more than "food".
Unfortunately, by spending so much time with humans, she left her parents vulnerable to Enforcers and they met their end when she turned 19.
Once Callidora found out, she was conflicted : she wanted to avenge her parents, but for that she needed blood. She couldn't eat people because they were, well, people, but she couldn't steal blood patches from hospitals because it's just disrespectful. Her parents could no longer provide her with blood and because of that, she began starving herself, wondering what she could do.
Then, an idea came to mind: her parents' mansion.
Because she would move in to another town, she would be less attached to those humans and would be able to eat, and she would be able to respect her parents' wishes.

Throughout her entire childhood, she was lucky enough to have her parents even be alive. They guided her, providing her with the basics of living as a vampire in this world: blending in and getting acquainted with humans in order to eat them, meeting the least amount of Gatelings as possible and most importantly avoid getting attached to them. Unfortunately, by learning more about humans in order to blend in with them, Callidora became attached to their customs, particularly artists. However, she hid her fascination from her parents and actually began to respect humans, seeing them as "people" more than "food".
Unfortunately, by spending so much time with humans, she left her parents vulnerable to Enforcers and they met their end when she turned 19.
Once Callidora found out, she was conflicted : she wanted to avenge her parents, but for that she needed blood. She couldn't eat people because they were, well, people, but she couldn't steal blood patches from hospitals because it's just disrespectful. Her parents could no longer provide her with blood and because of that, she began starving herself, wondering what she could do.
Then, an idea came to mind: her parents' mansion.
Because she would move in to another town, she would be less attached to those humans and would be able to eat, and she would be able to respect her parents' wishes.

Nimue Fausta

Founder of a Security Item Production Company
- Refining her spells in order to make her job easier
- Bathing in swamps
- Sleeping
- Shopping for Comfy clothes
- Watching anime
- Helping out interns
- Having free-time
- Being as comfy as possible
- Coffee, Boba Tea, Milk
- Sleeping
- Fantasy, Slice of Life and Wholesome animes
- Jazz songs
- Expanding her skills
- Her interns
- Her job
- Expanding her spells
- When people wake her up/interrupt her
- Loud noises
- Parties
- Being in tight clothes
- Rats
- Karens
June 16th

Spoiler Warning

The following content reveals details that you'll only know if you played the game along with some details that might be used for future projects. If you don't want to get spoiled/wanna keep the surprise for yourself and plan on playing the game, please download the game here.

Description and Background

In the Visual Novel, Nimue plays an essential role in helping Anemone fix her roof. Without Nimue, Callidora would have resorted to much more drastic measures to deal with Anemone.
In addition to this, Anemone even went back to Nimue's Shop in order to apologize and even start to get Callidora to trust her.

Very early in her life, Nimue was constantly told that she was supposed to give a powerful, magical sword to someone named "Arthur". She never knew whenever that person was a human or a Gateling, nor was she even given any tools to develop magical skills to make that sword. Nothing.
She had to do everything herself.
Nimue was a simple girl that never even knew why she was supposed to give something to a stranger because whenever she tried to ask, the leaders of her species always told her that "Arthur is going to be legendary and that he will do great things, so there's no need to worry.". And because she was a simple girl, even though she believed it was a lie, she went along with that lie and carried on with her life, learning those skills all for the sake of this "Legendary Stranger".
Deep down, she hopes one day that she could find an artifact that would be able to give that destiny to someone that actually knows and worships this "Arthur". However, she doesn't even know if "Arthur" exists in the first place. It has been nearly 3 decades, after all.

Keres Clotho

CEO of a Home Building Company
- Making small models of houses for fun and his pet hamsters
- Sleeping
- Taking pictures of himself in professional suits
- Watch and make fun of human-made documentaries
- Collecting models of boats
- Any structure (houses, boats, statues....)
- Hamsters
- Living a simple life
- Making sturdy homes
- Documentaries about species
- Sculpting anything
- Men in suits
- Anything revolutionary
- People being here on time or even in advance
- When his sturdy houses get even a bit of damage
- When his hamsters die
- Not getting a moment of rest
- When there's no new and interesting long-form content to watch
- When he fails sculpting something that he envisionned
- When stores sell out of suits
- When people are late
September 18th


The following content reveals details that you'll only know if you played the game along with some details that might be used for future projects. If you don't want to get spoiled/wanna keep the surprise for yourself and plan on playing the game, please download the game here.

Description and Background

In the game, he was contacted by Callidora to get payed in order to fix the roof of her mansion. It is told through the protagonist's point of view that this man is a doll meaning that he's probably a spirit that wanted a body.

In the past, he used to be a ________ that had the misfortune of being beheaded by the __________ ____ ______ "as an example for his __________ ____ _______". His spirit was taken in by a _____ who gave him a doll as his new body. She expressed that she wanted him to have a second chance at life. He took it and developped a successful Home Building Company. Deep down, he wishes to have revenge on that person, but knows it's not worth it and keeps telling himself to not pursue him.

There's more characters, but if I were to make Character Information about them, you'd be spoiled on the games endings immediately.
Is there anything that doesn't make sense to you or that is confusing to you? Then please, DM me on Twitter.